How to Know if a Guy Likes You: College Edition

Sometimes a text doesn’t mean that much…. Photo courtesy of Cosmopolitan Magazine

So, this title almost made us gag, and took us back to our middle school years when we wrote in our diaries asking whether Cody and Billy liked us back.
C’mon, we know that wasn’t just us.
But, the topic of boys liking us is one that is one the mind of every female: starting at age six, up until around ninety-six. It never stops.
So, via our favorite gurus: the fabulous ladies at Cosmopolitan magazine, we have produced the College Edition of How to Know if a Guy Likes You. Especially in a college setting there are a lot of parameters that make the dating world fifty shades of gray.

To start out…
1. He calls you to see how your day has been
Cosmo prefaces this blurb with a bolded statement of “texts don’t count.” And, as much as we love texting, they are totally right. It is so easy to text a guy you like all day, it is a mindless activity. But, if a guy truly is into you he will break through the awkwardness of calling to see how you have been.
This might actually be the most important step. In today’s college landscape the “booty call” has become the 2 a.m. “booty text.” If he is actually calling you, just to talk, then he is interested in you for more than just the booty.
2. He suggests staying at your place
According to Cosmo, “Guys tend to make life as easy as possible for themselves, which is why they tend to prefer you to sleep over.” Also, a guy who is just trying to have sex with you isn’t worried about your awkward walk-of-shame home, or what happens the next morning. If a guy is legitimately interested in you, he will make the extra long walk to your place, and deal with your nosy friends in the morning.
3. He skips guy time to hang out with you
For most guys, guy time is the sacred time. In college, 90% of bros are more likely to pick hanging out with their frat than hanging out with you. That’s the honest truth. It has nothing to do with who you are as a person, guys just like the convenience of hanging out with people they are already close too. It takes effort to get closer to you, conversely it’s easy to be close to the guys (they don’t even have to talk!). If he likes you, he will be more apt to make that effort.
4. He doesn’t mind you leaving your clothes at his place
This is another big one, for multiple reasons. According to Cosmo, this is a sign because he is beginning to view your stuff as his stuff. Guys are very protective over their space, and can easily feel uncomfortable or congested with extra stuff in their space. If he let’s you stash a sweatshirt or yoga pants in his mass of dirty clothes for your next sleepover together, it is likely too that he is only sleeping with you. No guy who is having sex with multiple girls would let them store their store in his room (even guys aren’t that dumb!).
5. He says he misses you
Most guys don’t say this unless they mean it. Guys are typically independent, so if they are willing to admit to a dependence on another person’s presence, it is a big deal. However, if the guy you are hooking up with texts you “I miss you” at 3 a.m. I would disregard this entire point, he most likely just wants to hook up.
6. He has sex with you…sober
Though this is not the cutest number on the list, it is probably the most accurate depiction of the seriousness of a relationship. Anyone can have sex with the comfort of a few shots of Jack Daniels, or case of Natty. Sober sex is immediately more intimate because there is no forced physical and emotional connection.

A little PDA can go along way. Photo courtesy of Cosmopolitan Magazine

7. He grabs your hand first
But not just your hand. If a guy is willing to show PDA with you in front of his friends, or in public, it is pretty clear that he sees you as more than just a girl to take home that night. According to Cosmo, this is an important step because he’s showing he’s proud to be the one holding your hand, or hugging, or kissing you. Doing it in front of his friends, too, will show that he is willing to admit that you have a relationship, instead of “keeping it on the DL.”
8. He makes an effort
This one is pretty obvious. If he’s making an effort, whether it’s planning what you are doing that night, or offering to help you out in some way, he wants more than sex from you. Someone who isn’t interested in more than a hook-up will not go out of their way to plan out your meet-up or go out of his way for anything.
9. He wants to talk about your relationship
Not even necessarily “that talk,” if he is willing to discuss anything emotional pertaining to what you guys are doing together he clearly cares. Emotions and guys typically do not go well together, so opening up to you in anyway is a good sign.

Our best advice when trying to figure out if the guy you are hooking up with likes you, watch out for a few of these signs. Even if you aren’t expecting any more from your FWB relationship, if your guy starts portraying these signs, there might be a chance he’s looking for more.

Good luck girls!

Taylor Swift’s “Red” One Day Away

The always fashionable Taylor Swift during her top-selling song “Mine” music video shoot. Photo courtesy of Taylor Swift’s website.

It’s true everyone, Taylor Swift‘s newest album will be released tomorrow.
Whether you love her, or hate her, this is pretty big news in the music biz.

In case you all aren’t as big of Tay-Swift fans as we are, here’s a little low down on her career thus far.
According to Swift’s website, the 22-year-old has produced three studio albums, “Red” will be her fourth, including: her self-titled debut album, Album of the Year winning “Fearless”, and “Speak Now”.
Swift has won 6 Grammy awards. Her awards do not end there; she has received countless acclaims reaching from Billboard honors, to titles such as “Fastest Selling Digital Album by a Female Artist.”

It’s safe to say, this girl is an inspiration to all college girls out there: a girl our age can be this successful, down-to-earth, and do it all with those perfect curls. She has become a fashion icon to girls and women everywhere, and is even the face of Covergirl. Despite her criticism, and whether you agree with her music, the above can not be debated.

We have a little preview off her new album, singles “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” the music video already has over 53 million views on Youtube. This catchy song can be heard at almost every Frat house on a Friday night, which is enough of a reason to thank Swift.

Our new favorite song is “I Knew You Were Trouble.” This song sounds nothing like what Taylor Swift usually does, and has a cool beat. We’re predicting a fabulous Dubstep remix in the near future.

For a full preview of Red before it is released tomorrow check out Taylor Swift’s website here.

Arm Candy, the Right Way to Stack

The biggest trend in jewelry is stack, stack, stack.
Oddly enough, this goes against everything fashion giants usually say about accessories (Coco Chanel famously said to always take off one accessory before you walk out the door).

There are a variety of ways to accomplish this arm candy look, taking the college girl from day to night. Stacks are also a fabulous way to begin building a jewelry collection. Classic watches (we love Michael Kors and Marc Jacobs), simple cable bangles from David Yurman, and real gold and pearl bracelets are expensive accessories that will last a lifetime. But, these can easily be paired with cute, fun cuffs from Forever21 and H&M.

Happy stacking!

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10 Ways to Nab the Corner Office, Cosmo Girl Style

One of our new favorite websites is Broke and Chic.
They practically tell you how to live, and succeed, on the cheap, and how to one day not have to worry about that.
If that’s not SS material, we don’t know what is!

A recent article outlined the 10 steps to a promotion, outlined by Cosmopolitan magazine’s new editor-in-chief, Joanna Coles. Any advice from THE newest Cosmo girl are pieces we are definitely interested in.

Land the big job, and then land the bigger job. Photo courtesy of Broke and Chic

1. Keep moving
Coles suggests to never feel like you need stay in a position for more than 2 years, if you are unhappy or feel held back, move on.

2. Try to get your boss on your side
This one is pretty self explanatory. Being close with your boss = connections.

3. Pay attention to people who are good at what you are not
These are people you can learn from. Coles suggests copying their behavior to extend your capabilities.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
This one is hard, most people don’t like to look like they aren’t capable of doing something (Guilty!). Do whatever you can to meet with someone of value.

5. Never say “need” when negotiating your salary
Explain why you’re worth more than what you are being paid, and never say you need a raise (technically the only thing you NEED is a job). Coles recommends starting off your meeting by saying… “”as you know, I love it here. I’m in no hurry to leave, so I’d love to talk to you about the next step.”

6. Under promise, over deliver
Deadlines are sometimes hard, if you can set your own deadline give yourself plenty of time and then turn it in earlier if you can!

7. Always take the interview
Coles says to always accept an interview whether you want the new job, promotion, or not. You will make connections that may lead to other great opportunities down the line!

8.Have a sense of humor
No one likes anyone that takes themselves too seriously, including high-powered editor-in-chiefs. Be flexible and enjoy what you do.

9. Be friendly with your co-workers
The workplace can be competitive, but Coles suggests diplomacy is the best way to go: praise others and don’t put anyone down.

10. Hardest word in the English language? “No”
But Coles says sometimes you have to say it. If you can’t take on the additional work, or what you are being asked isn’t what you want to do…just say no.

Though most of us are just struggling college girls trying to make our first break in the real world, this advice is timeless. Eventually, with a lot of hard work, and a few scuffed heels, we will all make it to that glorious corner office.

This article was initially written by Amanda Raye.

Tales of an SS Girl: Super (Sorority?) Girl

It is no surprise that, as a college girl, I lead a very busy, hectic life. However, it often surprises me, despite doing it all every single day, how hectic life can really be!
It wasn’t until today, during a brief, but oh-so telling experience, that I truly felt able to categorize myself as a Super girl, or at the very least, a Super Sorority girl.

Super sorority girl to the rescue!

After a brief meeting in class (how great is it when class gets out early?) I found myself rushing from campus to my off-campus house. An Open House for my sorority was the next day, and there was still a lot to be done. Being the head of Formal Recruitment doesn’t make that stress any easier. Thankfully I had my comfortable boots on, and even more so, I know how to power walk.
It may be completely my own fault that I had two stuffed plastic bags filled with goodies and decorations for the Open House (I may or may not have a spending problem), but regardless, the weight of the bags is enough to clock in as my upper-arm reps for the day. So, with two overflowing goody bags in each hand, my Longchamp slung over my shoulder, filled to the brim with books, and my laptop, I made the trek back to campus.
Similarly to any other college girl, I think it is completely necessary to walk with my phone firmly gripped in one hand, and Starbucks firmly gripped in the other. The profuse wind blowing in every direction, wrapping my scarf around tighter around my neck, and suffocating my face. Usually, a good scarf is much like Superman’s cape, it gives the sorority girl powers she never knew she could have…today, it seemed to be my kryptonite. Not willing to set aside my coffee (or God forbid throw it away!) I persevered.
Making it to the sorority suite in record time, I breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes we forget to congratulate ourselves on small successes, focusing solely on ones that are newsworthy or fantastic. The fact that I made it across campus, carrying my body weight in fake crystals, tulle, and plastic cups, and without spilling a drop of my Pumpkin Spice Latte, was something to be proud of.
So girls, take a moment today to think of a small feat you accomplished: getting out of bed right after the alarm, not spilling your Starbucks, or just being the hero of your own day.

It takes just one of these moments to recognize yourself as, not just a college girl, but a super girl!


10 Ways to Be Healthier in College…Just like Mom said

The USA Today College edition recently released a list of the 10 essential items a college student needs to stay healthy.
Upon review of the list, we totally agree!

This Built NY Lunchbox is perfect for the healthy college girl’s lunch on-the-go!

1. A lunchbox
First of all, how cute is the thought of having a lunch box again? All of us can remember that one fabulous lunchbox we were obsessed with in elementary school (Disney Princesses, anyone?), and now we can carry our lunch in style with all of our favorite brands! Check out these great ones by Vera Bradley and Built NY.
Lunch boxes are essential for the college girl on-the-go because they allow you to make your own healthier food, instead of eating the greasy food offered on campus. Several dining halls also have weird hours, and according to the USA Today article, “a college student could go hours on end without eating. It’s important to keep your metabolism revved by eating small meals throughout the day.”

2. Tupperware
This one might seem pretty obvious, but it is actual brilliant. It’s perfect for dorm living, or off-campus housing, to keep food fresh. The fresher, and healthier, foods you chose, the less likely you’ll succumb to frozen dinners and fast-food.

3. Water Kettle
This one took us back when we read it too, but the ability to make good hot tea and coffee is necessary for a college student. Using a kettle, opposed to a coffee maker, or just a microwave, will ensure good quality, hot drinks. Tea and coffee have vital nutrients and have been proven to make you happier, and obviously, more awake!

4. Resistance Bands
Sometimes it’s hard to go to the gym.
The Rec Center is far. Or, you have no time in-between class. We’ve all made every excuse in the book.
With these resistance bands there is no excuse! Exercises can be done with these in the comfort of your dorm room. Check out these great, easy workouts from Fitness Magazine!

Even Audrey Hepburn needed a sleep mask in Breakfast at Tiffany’s!

5. Sleep Mask
There is nothing better than a great night’s sleep. And sometimes NyQuil, ZZZQuil, and Melatonin just can’t get the job done. Sleep Masks are not just for Audrey Hepburn, and you don’t need Breakfast at Tiffany’s the next morning. This little invention will help you get a stellar, uninterrupted night’s sleep (even when your roommate decides to stay up extra late with her “friend”). Plus they are super cute, and luxurious. Just ask Holly Golightly.

6. Running shoes
With Nike’s new super cute neon running shoes, in colors like Tiffany blue and bright pink, they are practically begging college girls to exercise! A good pair of running shoes can make or break a workout. According to the USA Today article, college students walk up to 3 miles a day and a good pair of shoes are not only stylish (thanks Nike!), but also essential to health and comfort.

7. Multivitamin
Every college student, regardless of race, gender, health habits, etc. should take a multivitamin. According to the USA Today article, most students are not getting the nutrients recommended, due to the common “burger and fry” college diet. Vitamins have whole body benefits and can leave you feeling more energized and even make you look better. A multivitamin (one especially made for women with give you extra breast and bone health benefits) in addition to extra vitamin C intake will also give you better skin, hair, and nail health. Check out vitamin brands, such as Nature’s Way, and find the one that best fits you!

8. Water Bottle
H20 is the weight loss miracle that is so often looked over, yet is so easy accessible. Those 8 glasses a day Mom always hammered you about? Well, she might have been on to something. Carrying a water bottle with you at all times can promote healthier living, and staying trim. There are so many options today for great water bottles, there is no excuse not to get one! Brands like Camelbak and Bobble (featured in the USA Today article), have built in filters, and come in fun colors. Plus show off your school or sorority pride, and put a sticker with your letters or college mascot!

9. SPF Moisturizer
With the rise in skin cancer among college age girls, SPF is no joke anymore. Sure you should slather on 45 SPF if you plan on basking in the sun’s rays on a hot summer day, but did you know you need protection everyday? Regardless of how sunny it is outside? According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, even the cloudiest of days can give off UV light, which spreads skin aging, and increases your risk for skin cancer. Using a moisturizer with built in SPF is the best way to use SPF without even applying extra goop to your skin! The new Loreal Paris BB Cream provides protection and has built in makeup, and Neutrogena has plenty of great options!

10. Hand Sanitizer
College campuses are gross. Enough said. Thousands of people touching the same door knob every day is bound to spread some germs. Combat the illness causing, germ infested college petri dish by washing your hands regularly and keeping a hand sanitizer on deck at all times!

There is absolutely no reason to not have all of these essential items, half of them fit comfortably in your Longchamp or Vera. At the end of the day, each product promotes good health, staying fit and trim, and won’t break the budget.
Now that’s something every college girl should be into!

Special thanks to Caroline Weeks for writing the fabulous USA Today article referenced in this post, check out her site CampusFit and follow her on Twitter!

THE color for October…and it’s one you might not expect

Mint pants may seem risky in the fall, but wearing them with a fitted blazer and booties will make you a fashionista in no time.

This mint sweater is perfect for day into night. Pair with jeans and boots during the day, or a glitzy skirt and heels at night.

When you think October, you think orange.

Halloween, fall leaves, etc.

But, not this year.

According to Matchbook Magazine, THE color for October is mint.

Yes, Mint.

And, I’m not talking about the Starbucks flavoring.

Mint is the best way to stand out from the oranges, reds, and browns that typically litter the fall wardrobe.

Mint sweaters, mint pants. And, we definitely cannot ignore that H&M cream sweater-dress.

Sweater dress = perfect fall outfit. From business to pleasure, from night to day. You can wear this staple during class, during chapter, and even on a date night.

No white after Labor Day? Screw that. Pair it with a trench and that perfect mint sweater and you will look fall ready

Best part?

Since they are from H&M, each of these pieces can be found on the cheap

Each mint apparel featured is under $40.

Can you say steal?

Looks like we’ll be purchasing that mint sweater ASAP!