Tales of an SS Girl: The Crown of Multi-Tasking

I apologize SS girls!

Even the Queen of Multi-Tasking looses her crown every once in awhile!

This is my first post in days, which proves that even the most skilled multitasker (I wear the crown proudly) cannot do it all. I am currently in the process for applying for a tutoring job on campus, an executive position in my sorority, as well as the most coveted position of a VP on the Panhellenic Executive Council.
The thought of being able to impact the lives of so many college women on my campus is right up my alley (total SS move right?).
So, wish me luck in my endeavors, and I hope you all have a fabulous, and always busy Sunday funday!
Remember, keep your Lilly planners, a hot Starbucks Venti, and your MK watch with you at all times, and productivity will be right at hand!

Tales of an SS Girl: Super (Sorority?) Girl

It is no surprise that, as a college girl, I lead a very busy, hectic life. However, it often surprises me, despite doing it all every single day, how hectic life can really be!
It wasn’t until today, during a brief, but oh-so telling experience, that I truly felt able to categorize myself as a Super girl, or at the very least, a Super Sorority girl.

Super sorority girl to the rescue!

After a brief meeting in class (how great is it when class gets out early?) I found myself rushing from campus to my off-campus house. An Open House for my sorority was the next day, and there was still a lot to be done. Being the head of Formal Recruitment doesn’t make that stress any easier. Thankfully I had my comfortable boots on, and even more so, I know how to power walk.
It may be completely my own fault that I had two stuffed plastic bags filled with goodies and decorations for the Open House (I may or may not have a spending problem), but regardless, the weight of the bags is enough to clock in as my upper-arm reps for the day. So, with two overflowing goody bags in each hand, my Longchamp slung over my shoulder, filled to the brim with books, and my laptop, I made the trek back to campus.
Similarly to any other college girl, I think it is completely necessary to walk with my phone firmly gripped in one hand, and Starbucks firmly gripped in the other. The profuse wind blowing in every direction, wrapping my scarf around tighter around my neck, and suffocating my face. Usually, a good scarf is much like Superman’s cape, it gives the sorority girl powers she never knew she could have…today, it seemed to be my kryptonite. Not willing to set aside my coffee (or God forbid throw it away!) I persevered.
Making it to the sorority suite in record time, I breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes we forget to congratulate ourselves on small successes, focusing solely on ones that are newsworthy or fantastic. The fact that I made it across campus, carrying my body weight in fake crystals, tulle, and plastic cups, and without spilling a drop of my Pumpkin Spice Latte, was something to be proud of.
So girls, take a moment today to think of a small feat you accomplished: getting out of bed right after the alarm, not spilling your Starbucks, or just being the hero of your own day.

It takes just one of these moments to recognize yourself as, not just a college girl, but a super girl!