10 Ways to Be Healthier in College…Just like Mom said

The USA Today College edition recently released a list of the 10 essential items a college student needs to stay healthy.
Upon review of the list, we totally agree!

This Built NY Lunchbox is perfect for the healthy college girl’s lunch on-the-go!

1. A lunchbox
First of all, how cute is the thought of having a lunch box again? All of us can remember that one fabulous lunchbox we were obsessed with in elementary school (Disney Princesses, anyone?), and now we can carry our lunch in style with all of our favorite brands! Check out these great ones by Vera Bradley and Built NY.
Lunch boxes are essential for the college girl on-the-go because they allow you to make your own healthier food, instead of eating the greasy food offered on campus. Several dining halls also have weird hours, and according to the USA Today article, “a college student could go hours on end without eating. It’s important to keep your metabolism revved by eating small meals throughout the day.”

2. Tupperware
This one might seem pretty obvious, but it is actual brilliant. It’s perfect for dorm living, or off-campus housing, to keep food fresh. The fresher, and healthier, foods you chose, the less likely you’ll succumb to frozen dinners and fast-food.

3. Water Kettle
This one took us back when we read it too, but the ability to make good hot tea and coffee is necessary for a college student. Using a kettle, opposed to a coffee maker, or just a microwave, will ensure good quality, hot drinks. Tea and coffee have vital nutrients and have been proven to make you happier, and obviously, more awake!

4. Resistance Bands
Sometimes it’s hard to go to the gym.
The Rec Center is far. Or, you have no time in-between class. We’ve all made every excuse in the book.
With these resistance bands there is no excuse! Exercises can be done with these in the comfort of your dorm room. Check out these great, easy workouts from Fitness Magazine!

Even Audrey Hepburn needed a sleep mask in Breakfast at Tiffany’s!

5. Sleep Mask
There is nothing better than a great night’s sleep. And sometimes NyQuil, ZZZQuil, and Melatonin just can’t get the job done. Sleep Masks are not just for Audrey Hepburn, and you don’t need Breakfast at Tiffany’s the next morning. This little invention will help you get a stellar, uninterrupted night’s sleep (even when your roommate decides to stay up extra late with her “friend”). Plus they are super cute, and luxurious. Just ask Holly Golightly.

6. Running shoes
With Nike’s new super cute neon running shoes, in colors like Tiffany blue and bright pink, they are practically begging college girls to exercise! A good pair of running shoes can make or break a workout. According to the USA Today article, college students walk up to 3 miles a day and a good pair of shoes are not only stylish (thanks Nike!), but also essential to health and comfort.

7. Multivitamin
Every college student, regardless of race, gender, health habits, etc. should take a multivitamin. According to the USA Today article, most students are not getting the nutrients recommended, due to the common “burger and fry” college diet. Vitamins have whole body benefits and can leave you feeling more energized and even make you look better. A multivitamin (one especially made for women with give you extra breast and bone health benefits) in addition to extra vitamin C intake will also give you better skin, hair, and nail health. Check out vitamin brands, such as Nature’s Way, and find the one that best fits you!

8. Water Bottle
H20 is the weight loss miracle that is so often looked over, yet is so easy accessible. Those 8 glasses a day Mom always hammered you about? Well, she might have been on to something. Carrying a water bottle with you at all times can promote healthier living, and staying trim. There are so many options today for great water bottles, there is no excuse not to get one! Brands like Camelbak and Bobble (featured in the USA Today article), have built in filters, and come in fun colors. Plus show off your school or sorority pride, and put a sticker with your letters or college mascot!

9. SPF Moisturizer
With the rise in skin cancer among college age girls, SPF is no joke anymore. Sure you should slather on 45 SPF if you plan on basking in the sun’s rays on a hot summer day, but did you know you need protection everyday? Regardless of how sunny it is outside? According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, even the cloudiest of days can give off UV light, which spreads skin aging, and increases your risk for skin cancer. Using a moisturizer with built in SPF is the best way to use SPF without even applying extra goop to your skin! The new Loreal Paris BB Cream provides protection and has built in makeup, and Neutrogena has plenty of great options!

10. Hand Sanitizer
College campuses are gross. Enough said. Thousands of people touching the same door knob every day is bound to spread some germs. Combat the illness causing, germ infested college petri dish by washing your hands regularly and keeping a hand sanitizer on deck at all times!

There is absolutely no reason to not have all of these essential items, half of them fit comfortably in your Longchamp or Vera. At the end of the day, each product promotes good health, staying fit and trim, and won’t break the budget.
Now that’s something every college girl should be into!

Special thanks to Caroline Weeks for writing the fabulous USA Today article referenced in this post, check out her site CampusFit and follow her on Twitter!